Friday, February 20, 2015

Sometimes You Just Need a Break


It seems I've been pretty neglectful in the area of blogging haven't I? So much has been going on since October. Honestly I have days that I don't know if I am coming or going. Thank God for Metamucil to keep me regular! That's my new saying for the new year. I'm thinking of having a bumper sticker made with that on it.

When last I blogged so much was happening in my life I just couldn't keep up to it all.
Let's see I had the kid with the court matters relating to a domestic violence. 
The grand kiddies (ages 2 and 4 and both boys) came here to stay for a few short months. The peace and tranquility of my home disappeared when my house took on the appearance that Wreck It Ralph moved in...

Seriously I love those little squirts to death. But they manifested a case of O.C.D. that I didn't know I had! It's been a real blast. It's nice to be back in the world of grown ups again. For the past months I can't believe my conversations have been on topics such as...

Why it's not nice to put bubble gum in brothers hair
Why it's not good to talk brother into eating play doh
Why we have to put our crayons away so that brother doesn't eat them.
Why pappy needs to keep his sharpie markers out of the house
How no one ever died from taking a time out
Why it's not nice to put shaving cream on the dog and all the reasons why the dog won't come when you boys call her
Explaining that is what happens when you sneak and drink out of that plastic lemon in mee maws fridge
When the toilet backed up and hubby found a batman action figure stuck things like the bathroom is not Gotham City and the toilet is not the bat cave.

Then realizing that with the grand kiddies those ghosts of No Me and I didn't do it moved in with'em.

In the evenings when the kids were in bed trying to have an adult conversation with the hubby that didn't end up with what happened in Mister Rogers Neighborhood or me ranting on that today we are only on the letter C on Sesame Street.

Oh and I can't forget to mention...
You know the old saying that how the new year comes in will determine how the new year will turn out? Well if that is true, I'm totally F^*%'ed!!!

On New Years Eve our truck died. Well it's motor died anyway. Yep the hubby's beloved Chevy Silverado bless it's heart died!!!!

Now we knew that sooner or later we were going to have to replace it. It had over 400,000 miles on the motor so I can't really complain.
It was free so I really can't complain now can I? Several years ago when the company the hubby worked for shuttered one of the owners handed him the keys and the title and told him it was a bonus for his time and good work spent with the company. So no I can't really complain!

It started leaking oil really really bad at the end of last year. So we knew we had a problem. A mechanic told us the oil was coming from a main seal. The money to fix it would exceed the worth of the truck. We just thought we had a lil more time to look around.... save a lil money for a down payment... stuff like that! Oh no! Not us! That only happens in the town Stepford not around us! 

It took several weeks of looking around and ending up having to borrow a lil from our IRA which I won't get started on that! It will only end up in rant!

Looking around at several used car lots the mystery of what happened to all of those cash for clunkers has been solved! Just in case you ever wondered about it.

So, what are we driving you may be wondering?

Well we picked a Jeep Liberty setting on the used car lot! Nice vehicle, low mileage, purrs like a kitten jeep. If you've ever driven one you know what I'm talking about.

Some free advice though. If by chance you are looking for a used car... pull a Carfax report first before signing on any dotted lines and committing yourself! I didn't do that until last weekend when the water pump went out on it. Haven't had it for a month yet and already it was in the shop! Thank God for warranties!

Seriously though you can learn a lot from the car fax report like...

*We are the second owner of this 10 year old vehicle.
*Low mileage It only had 100,000 miles on it which is what attracted us to it in the first place. That is low mileage for a ten year old car!

Then there is the other things that appear on the history of a vehicle like...

Three months after the original owner purchased it, it was stolen in the District of Columbia
It was recovered the next day.
In 2007 it hit a deer and had extensive work done to the front end.
In 2010 it was rear ended and had work done to the rear end.

The really biggy.... it has an open recall on it! It isn't something small like a light or a fuse. Oh no! This is the big one. The one with the exploding gas tank. WTF!!!!

I was assured by the dealer that the recall was done on it. Nope! "That's what my guys in the garage get paid to do" he said. It'goes tomorrow to take care of that!

But it does have the car fax buy back guarantee!

Now I'm not gonna set here and dog the lot we got it from. He did work with us a lil on the down payment and he didn't have to do that. Just make sure you get a car fax report first before committing yourself! It may amaze you what you'll find on it! I know it did me!

And now you know what the fun part about all of this is? It's only February!!!!

When the pope added to the list of suggestions for Lent, chocolate, carbs and strong alcoholic drink I'm not so sure I'm ready to give those up! I'm going to try really hard!

Oh and just in case you are wondering... I almost made it to the new year without a cigarette!!!!

pic: Sent to my Facebook


  1. Well I have missed you, welcome back. Hope the year improves so you can start to post more.

  2. I have missed you too. I tried reading blogs in the first week that the kids were here and is probably why a baked yam ended up behind my stove. I couldn't take my eyes off those two kids not even for a minute!
    It's been really nice just having adult conversations in the big people world!!!!

  3. Welcome back!
    That was a lot of mileage on that truck. Sorry the motor died. Good think you checked the Car Fax.

  4. Thanks Alex. I've missed a lot of posts I know!

    We sure miss the old truck.

    Oh I know on the checking the car fax. We came across so many lots sporting what looked to be the cash for clunkers I should have did that first.

    It's good to be back in the adult world again! I have so much to catch up on!

  5. I've missed your posts!! I'm glad you're back, but I'm oh so sorry about all the bad luck you've been having. Hopefully it will get better FAST!!

  6. I've been wondering how you were doing. Sorry to hear the circumstances, but the nice thing about "When it rains' it pours", is eventually it stops raining. And all the things it rained on start to grow and blossom. But I have to ask one thing...

    Which Batman character? Was it The Puddler, or Two-Cheek?

  7. I don't know how I made it through parenting the first time; I really don't want to raise my grandkids! Keeping up with my cat is messy enough.

    Hope you get the car situation resolved soon.

  8. CSH: Thanks. I've missed reading so many blogs and yeah me too on the luck!!! :)

    CW Martin: ***"When it rains' it pours", is eventually it stops raining. And all the things it rained on start to grow and blossom.*** Hopefully the sun will come out soon!!!

    Laughing out Loud at the Puddler and Two Cheek!!! Unfortunately it was the Penguin who died by toilet!!! :)

    Delorah: Oh let me tell ya it's been a real challenge. Their ages was the biggest challenge. I wish I could bottle their energy. The grand kiddies have spent the night or the weekend but not extended stays. Having them here had me wondering how I did it the first time!!!

  9. Glad to see you back! Fun start to the year :-)

    I have had so many of those 'things I never thought I'd say' moments since having kids - "please don't sing about the chicken, eat it"!

  10. I was wondering what had happened. Know how you feel about keeping the grandkids. Its exhausting. Makes you wonder how you handled your own. Doesn't it?

    Hugs and chocolate!

  11. @Annalisa LOL on the 'Things I never thought I'd say'!!! I just didn't think I'd be saying them again!!! :)

    Shelly Oh yeah! I'm not sure if it's because I am older or if it's because we've been by ourselves for the past seven years and not had the constant responsibilities of having to care for another child (in this case toddlers)?

    Oh yes on the exhausting and also the questioning how we did it this first time and didn't go absolutely crazy!


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